NOW HIRING: Production Electronics Technicians


Our commercial and industrial-focused power conversion products are all produced in the USA and employed in everything from wind and solar energy systems to transportation and industrial manufacturing equipment. They are all intended for use in demanding, long-life applications. Some, such as our OZIP series of intelligent power modules, feature ruggedized construction and are designed and qualified for rail and heavy truck applications.

SCR Firing Board / 18-32 VDC bias power
The OZSCR-2100 is a universal, digitally-controlled SCR control and firing board. Software configurable, it addresses numerous SCR power system challenges, including regulated 6-pulse rectifiers and single and 3-phase AC switches, allowing fast and economical product development and support. OZSCR-2100 derives its bias power from an external 18V-32 VDC supply.
SCR Firing Board / AC mains bias power
The OZSCR-2000 is a universal, digitally-controlled SCR control and firing board. Software configurable, it addresses numerous SCR power system challenges, including regulated 6-pulse rectifiers and single and 3-phase AC switches, allowing fast and economical product development and support. OZSCR-2100 derives its bias power from AC mains.