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Our commercial and industrial-focused power conversion products are all produced in the USA and employed in everything from wind and solar energy systems to transportation and industrial manufacturing equipment. They are all intended for use in demanding, long-life applications. Some, such as our OZIP series of intelligent power modules, feature ruggedized construction and are designed and qualified for rail and heavy truck applications.

Rack Scale TM Series
With a compact, 3U form factor, the transformerless OZPCS-RS35 power conversion system installs directly into Li-ion battery racks. It supports both 120/208 3-phase and 120/240V split-phase grids. Front-side terminations simplify interconnect, and the fully parallelable, 35kW architecture permits easy system expansion.
Rack Scale TM Series
OZPCS-RS40 provides a highly flexible and configurable power conversion solution for solar+storage, resiliency, demand charge management, microgrid, and other energy storage applications. It interfaces 330-820V batteries to 480VAC utility and micro grids without a transformer.
Rack Scale TM series
OZPCS-RS-40-PS produces a regulated DC voltage up to 820V at +/- 75A for biomass generators, natural gas turbines/microturbines, waste heat recovery, EV charging, and other distributed energy applications. A fully parallelable architecture facilitates modular system design and easy field upgrades.
Environmentally Protected Series
OZPCS-EP40 provides the same grid-connected and grid-forming flexibility and performance as OZPCS-RS40 for solar+storage, resiliency, demand charge management, microgrid, and other energy storage applications, but in an wall-mount, outdoor-rated package.
Intelligent Power Module – up to 165Arms, 850VDC
OZIP Intelligent Power Modules combine power and controls to facilitate motor drives, inverters and interleaved DC/DC converters. With an extruded heatsink for external, forced air cooling, OZIP-R1230E is the most cost-effective option in the OZIP family.
Intelligent Power Module – up to 125Arms, 850VDC
OZIP Intelligent Power Modules combine power and controls to facilitate motor drives, inverters and interleaved DC/DC converters. With self-contained cooling fans, OZIP-R1230F offers performance similar to OZIP-R1230E without the need for external fans or plenum.
Intelligent Power Module – up to 205Arms, 850VDC
OZIP Intelligent Power Modules combine power and controls to facilitate motor drives, inverters and interleaved DC/DC converters. A high capacity, cross-flow heat sink with integral fans maximize power stage utilization. OZIP-1230H is the most capable air-cooled option in the OZIP family.
Intelligent Power Module – up to 250Arms, 850VDC
OZIP Intelligent Power Modules combine power and controls to facilitate motor drives, inverters and interleaved DC/DC converters. With a high capacity cold plate, OZIP-R1200L offers both highest performance and most compact form factor in the OZIP product line.
105A / 850V Bidirectional DC/DC Converter
The OZIP-DC105A family of converters support distributed energy applications needing DC/DC conversion with bidirectional power flow. Modular and open-frame, they are intended for integration into OEM system.
100kW, 480VAC 3 phase, Active Front End, Inverter, Air cooled
OZip-AFE provides a complete Active Front End (AFE) solution for OEMs by getting you to market quickly, minimizing development cost and risk while being more cost-effective in production volumes.
SCR Firing Board / AC mains bias power
The OZSCR-2000 is a universal, digitally-controlled SCR control and firing board. Software configurable, it addresses numerous SCR power system challenges, including regulated 6-pulse rectifiers and single and 3-phase AC switches, allowing fast and economical product development and support. OZSCR-2100 derives its bias power from AC mains.
SCR Firing Board / 18-32 VDC bias power
The OZSCR-2100 is a universal, digitally-controlled SCR control and firing board. Software configurable, it addresses numerous SCR power system challenges, including regulated 6-pulse rectifiers and single and 3-phase AC switches, allowing fast and economical product development and support. OZSCR-2100 derives its bias power from an external 18V-32 VDC supply.
For customers wishing to build their own cables, the Connector kit contains a mating connector and terminals for each interface on a OZSCR-1(2)x00 controller.